About Me

I’ve been a creative copywriter since 2022. But I’ve been a writer since I got my pen license in 2006, and I’ve been creative since I pioneered combining all the Lego Bionicles into one big Bionicle circa 2003.

With a background in Ancient World Studies and Screenwriting, I’ve always been enamored with how emotion, imagination and storytelling can capture people and have a real world impact on their lives.

Being lucky enough to get my foot in the door of the advertising industry has lead me to greatly value just how satisfying it is to tell stories and craft ideas alongside talented people who share my blessed affliction.

After a few years in the industry and completing Award School, I’ve come to relish creative copywriting, alongside other forms of written expression, as the simultaneous exercise in joyous anarchy and disciplined precision that it is.

Moving forward, all I can wish for is to work with more great people, a weighty thesaurus, and to stay one step ahead of Chat GPT.