They’ll never know
Client: Crime Stoppers Australia
What started as a catchy line became pitch winning idea that in turn became a nation wide campaign that helped thousands find safety and helped put hundreds of criminals behind bars.
Our aim was to reinforce the anonymity of the Crime Stoppers service, and encourage those closest to drug dealers such as partners, colleagues, or even fellow criminals, to put their safety first and report to Crime Stoppers.
After developing the initial concept and making the successful pitch presentation, I took the lead in the production of the campaign.
This included selecting production and visual effects companies, providing creative oversight on the shoot, and managing post production.
This was all done while working to a strict budget - for which not showing talent’s faces was certainly helpful.
“The National Illicit Drugs Campaign has been one of the largest, most comprehensive, and arguably most successful campaigns ever delivered by Crime Stoppers in Australia” - Acquittal Report
43,771,361 impressions
466,560 site visits
8,707,508 full video plays
41,326 drug related information reports during the campaign