Sadly some of the stuff we’re proudest of ultimately never goes anywhere… but this is MY website and I’ll put whatever I want on it! Including this work, of which I’m super proud , goddammit.

Respect Victoria

My agency’s submission to a statewide tender in 2024, the aim of which was to link unhealthy masculine stereotypes to high rates of violence against women.

My concept sought to cut through to hard-to-reach male audiences by spoofing gambling ads, which themselves target a similar audience around large sporting events.

WorkSafe Victoria

The submissions my agency made to a statewide tender in 2023, the aim of the campaign was to show how microaggressions can negatively impact those in customer facing jobs.

Based on my original script and concept, we pitched TVC, OOH, Socials and more.

Clean Energy Council

These print ad concepts from 2023 were a rapid turnaround job designed to quickly elicit support for the renewables sector in Australia in response to a large fossil fuel lobby demonstration.

Not using typical renewable imagery or rely on environmental appeals was a key part of the brief - and so I opted for a more economic angle.